UPDATE 4:30 p.m.: Liberals will surely howl about the resemblance between Barr's language and George Wallace's 1968 "Send 'em a message" slogan, but a message of dissatisfaction with the GOP status quo will surely resonate with many in Hannity's audience.
UPDATE 4:35: More from the Hannity interview: Barr said 2008 is a "very unusual year" and that "several things are coming together" to allow the Libertarian Party to have a "legitimate, positive impact" in November.
As to his own presidential hopes, Barr said he is "very, very seriously considering it," that he will make "a final decision shortly," and that he is getting "very strong support."
UPDATE 4:45: "Sooner or later, we have to put principle ahead of expediency," Barr said, responding to Hannity's complaint that "splitting the vote" would help elect a Democrat. He said he is "tired of hearing all the whining" from Republicans.
"If [Republican John] McCain is not able to pull enough votes to win outright, then shame on him," Barr said.
At the end of the interview, Hannity repeatedly played "gotcha," asking Barr about Libertarian stances on abortion and drugs, and also asking Barr about his work with the ACLU on privacy issues.
UPDATE 5 p.m.: Allahpundit scoffs at Barr's potential impact. But he scoffs at everything. I'm pretty sure he's contractually obligated as a professional scoffer.
UPDATE 8:40 p.m.: Barr spoke today in Rome, Ga.:
Former congressman Bob Barr told the Rotary Club of Rome Thursday he sees a disquieting trend of fear being the primary force driving public policy decisions in America today.Meanwhile, Dave Weigel says Barr's going to make his announcement Saturday:
Quoting the 18th century philosopher Edmund Burke, Barr stated: “No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.”
Barr said he sees the trend increasing after 9/11 and that in discussions in Congress there is an attempt to “link (policy issues) to acts of terror or fear of acts of terrorism.”
“Fear does not lend itself well to rational thinking,” he said.
When former Rep. Bob Barr arrives in Kansas City on Saturday for the Heartland Libertarian Conference, organizers expect him to launch an exploratory committee for the Libertarian Party presidential nomination. Barr is meeting with his political team on Friday to firm up plans. Right now, he's expected to fly into the city at about noon Saturday and address the conference in the early afternoon.
Weigel notes that Barr and Ron Paul are both scheduled to appear at an April 15 "Take Back America" rally in D.C. Weigel also has Barr campaign's Web site -- the site's not up yet, but Barr's consulting firm has reserved the domain -- and reports that there will be a meeting of key staffers tomorrow (Friday) in Atlanta.
Stephen Gordon has a media wrapup here.
UPDATE 10:40 p.m.: Georgia blogger Jason Pye heard the Hannity interview:
The longer the interview got, the less friendly Hannity was (I know...big surprise there). Hannity implied that if Barr cost McCain the election that everything that happened after it would be on Bob Barr.
If you were listening in then you know that Barr sounded like a candidate. I thought he came off really well.
4/3: Barr to announce?
3/27: Barr bandwagon rolling?
3/26: What about Bob?
2/11: Paulistas say, 'Why not Bob?'
So will the scandal over Barr's fondness for the Council of Conservative Citizens be as big as the firestorm over the Ron Paul newsletters? What is it with these libertarians and the racist backgrounds of their candidates?
ReplyDeleteI would be proud to be compared to George Wallace. www.goodoleboybumperstickers.com
ReplyDeleteIf you look at the Google cache for bobbarr2008.com, you'll see it used to be owned by a "Draft Bob Barr for President!" petition group and that its domain record was last updated 27-mar-2008 so the group must have turned it over to Liberty Strategies. For now the site has a placeholder page.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, your question should be. "How ignorant are the people of America to easily swallow the MSN koolaid?" Apprantly, very easy. You've also had more then your fill, obviously.
ReplyDeleteI suppose any white guy who's friend for over 20 years is a well respected black guy who is also the former Texas NAACP President (now director), makes him a racist. Right, tool?
It's alright, American Idol will be on soon. Stuff your face with greasy foods and forget about politics. Leave that for the grown-ups.
OK, Anonymous, you consider yourself a grown-up because you can make a penetrating analysis using deep concepts like "MSN Koolaid", whatever that is? Since when does the MicroSoft Network get involved in politics?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you are very familiar with Fox products like AI, particularly that less intelligent programming that they call "Fox News". Or Fox Mews maybe, for you, since you seem to have a problem using the letters M and N. Your post fairly reeks of them.