Which leads me to believe 1) women bloggers are nothing like normal women or most likely 2) women bloggers are exactly like normal women in that they lie their pretty asses off.I would add this alternative:
3) women bloggers are exactly like most other people in that they lack emotional self-awareness.That is to say, most people never take time to apply intellect and reason to emotional situations, to contemplate their own emotions: "Why do I feel this way?"
If you don't think about things like that, if you go through life never bothering to examine your emotional responses, you will constantly be misled by your emotions -- and misled by people who know how to manipulate your emotions.
For all the vaunted superior emotional sensitivity of women, they are at least as likely as men to lack emotional self-awareness. So asking women to say what they like will not necessarily reveal what they actually do like. Many neither know what they like nor why they like it.
Furthermore, physical attraction dominates all other factors in whether a woman likes a guy, no matter what any survey says. Simple proof: All women like Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt has never had to sit around wondering, "Gee, maybe I shouldn't come on so strong ..." or "Maybe if I wore a different kind of cologne ..." So don't lose any sleep over that crap, guys.
UPDATE: I was just looking at John Hawkins' survey and noticed his stupid description of Cassy Fiano:
Cassy is a very sweet girl, is very sociable, has dated a lot, and has even written several articles on dating.

- Q. You seem very proud of your large breasts. Do you get many compliments on them?
- Q. Generally speaking, if a guy wants to date you, is it a good pickup line for him to say something about your breasts?
- Q. I mean, wow, they're really nice.
- Q. OK, that last one wasn't actually a question.
- Q. Listen, Cassy, I hate to break your heart, but I'm a happily married man. However, I do have single friends who might be interested in going out with you. As a matter of fact, I have one single friend who is a very well-known blogger. So I have to ask, do you think Ewoks are sexy?
GeeSuss that girl was red haired and fat....The LAST person I would want to date. Er unless she was continually sucking on hard candy and other assorteds that left no question she had an oral fixation. Because we all know fat girls do THAT the best.