The science is settled: Avatar sucks. Don't tell that to Hollywood, though: It could get nine Oscar nominations!
Speaking of awards, don't forget to vote for me in the 2009 Malkin Awards. Last time I checked, I was in second place behind Glenn Beck.
Now Long Island, near the Hamptons is on fire – WTF is going on?
We have another massive wildfire outbreak.. Now it’s Long Island, New York
near the Hamptons… This one defies logic. New
The post Now Long Island, near t...
3 hours ago
Yeah right, crypto-fascist! How could a movie that is a metaphor for the Iraq war, the oil (or any resource considered sufficiently scarce)industry, and the American Indian's tragic struggle against the vast Anglohalliburtopatriarchy, possibly be bad!?
ReplyDeleteAvatar in one word: Smurfahontas. Okay, this has spoilers.
ReplyDeleteMy eight year old (a huge fan of Transformers, etc., etc.) said he was "bored" seeing in in IMAX 3d. I was mildly entertained by the "blue" U.S. Olympic women's volleyball team of female scantilly clad aliens but beyond that felt like I was watching a well made video game. So let me say with a movie with this many special effects, mostly well done, something is missing. I would suggest it is orginal writing and suspense.
Can someone explain the physics of mountains floating in the sky? Oh wait, I digress...
I have no problem with the Dances With Wolves story line when it is well done (and Dances With Wolves was not that well done a film). Jerimah Johnson, Last of the Mohicans, A Man Called Horse, even Outlaw Josie Wales pulled that off, however, to some degree, and those are good films. Guys like Cammeron love The Searchers, as do I, but the reason we do is because that film explores themes of racism and hate fairly from both sides and does not pull any punches. I also do not mind the whole let's save the planet eco friendly gaia message, provided I am not repeated beaten with it like I am a baby harp seal on the ice. Cammeron has about about as much subtlety with that theme as one of his CGF alien rhino beasts crashing through the underbrush of Pandora.
I am sure it will make money. I dig the attention to detail on the little CGF bugs, ecosystem, etc., but it could have been a lot better if Cammeron just spent some more time writing a better script. The actors, who have some talent, have to dial it in given the lines they are given.
I did catch that comment by Col Quatraine about "betraying your race." That is obviously a gift to Lefty hacks out there. Of course the protagonist is a white male, who bonds and mates with the blue chick (without any permission from her parents), and then takes over the tribe (because the blue men do not have get the job done either with their own ladies, the "sky people", or even riding the giant flying gecko). Perhaps Cammeron is the one who is a wee bit racist?
Well here is another observation: Notice that Cammeron's world of corporate mercinary villians are all populated by former U.S. Military? There are references to actions in Venezuela and Nigeria. There is not a Russian, Chi-Com, African, Asian, or for that matter European to be seen (I did not see that many African Americans mercs either, what's with that Jimmy C.?--(NOT cool dude, not cool at all. Okay, you are mostly intending to be "good", so all is forgiven. xoxo The Left).
So I can take it back on Earth in 2154, the Americans and the USMC won? Uoooogh-Rah!
Please, please do not let Cammercon or some other lefty leaning ar-teast mess up The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress. That would be heartbreaking.
From the previews and what I've heard about it.. the technology that Cameron helped to develop to film it.. it should get a technical Oscar or two.
ReplyDeleteFor the crap that matters, story, characters.. not so much.
So will that Stars War fan who took apart George Lucas' mess of a prequel start deconstructing Avatar next? Because it needs it.
ReplyDeleteAvatar in one word: Smurfahontas. Okay, this has spoilers.
My eight year old (a huge fan of Transformers, etc., etc.) said he was "bored" seeing in in IMAX 3d. I was mildly entertained by the "blue" U.S. Olympic women's volleyball team of female scantilly clad aliens but beyond that felt like I was watching a well made video game. So let me say with a movie with this many special effects, mostly well done, something is missing. I would suggest it is orginal writing and suspense.
Can someone explain the physics of mountains floating in the sky? Oh wait, I digress...
I have no problem with the Dances With Wolves story line when it is well done (and Dances With Wolves was not that well done a film). Jerimah Johnson, Last of the Mohicans, A Man Called Horse, even Outlaw Josie Wales pulled that off, however, to some degree, and those are good films. Guys like Cammeron love The Searchers, as do I, but the reason we do is because that film explores themes of racism and hate fairly from both sides and does not pull any punches. I also do not mind the whole let's save the planet eco friendly gaia message, provided I am not repeated beaten with it like I am a baby harp seal on the ice. Cammeron has about about as much subtlety with that theme as one of his CGF alien rhino beasts crashing through the underbrush of Pandora.
I am sure it will make money. I dig the attention to detail on the little CGF bugs, ecosystem, etc., but it could have been a lot better if Cammeron just spent some more time writing a better script. The actors, who have some talent, have to dial it in given the lines they are given.
I did catch that comment by Col Quatraine about "betraying your race." That is obviously a gift to Lefty* hacks out there. Of course the protagonist is a white male, who bonds and mates with the blue chick (without any permission from her parents), and then takes over the tribe (because the blue men do not have get the job done either with their own ladies, the "sky people", or even riding the giant flying gecko). Perhaps Cammeron is the one who is a wee bit racist?
Well here is another observation: Notice that Cammeron's world of corporate mercinary villians are all populated by former U.S. Military? There are references to actions in Venezuela and Nigeria. There is not a Russian, Chi-Com, African, Asian, or for that matter European to be seen (I did not see that many African Americans mercs either, what's with that Jimmy C.?--(NOT cool dude, not cool at all. Okay, you are mostly intending to be "good", so all is forgiven. xoxo The Left).
So I can take it back on Earth in 2154, the Americans and the USMC won? Uoooogh-Rah!
* By "Lefty" I mean it in a more knee jerk generic hack "Gaia good, white patriarchy bad" sense. Obviously there are people from the left and right political view points who can make a great movie or even a great science fiction story or movie.
Please, please do not let Cammeron or some other lefty leaning ar-teast mess up The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress. That would be heartbreaking.
we evil Americans terrorize the indigenous natives, kill them, take their land, and are just all around imperialistically wicked and inhumane.
ReplyDeleteWhy does Debbie hate property rights?
Avatar Is Great and Libertarian:
And at its core it was very libertarian: it was about a group of people (the Na’vi) defending their property rights on the world Pandora from aggressors...
And the “corporation” here is basically a mini-state, or an arm of a state...
1) Just gave you another vote, but Bill Donahue [sic?] is closing in fast.
ReplyDelete2) Jonah Goldberg's in the lead for the Poseur Award.
-Question #1: If he wins, can he use the momentum to propel himself into Rich Lowry's job?
-Question #2: What can we do to help?
Paid to watch the 2D version. Good popcorn movie. Would waste the extra money on the 3D. Screw it. And they make you give back the cool 3D glasses at the end of the movie. LOL.