It has become increasingly obvious of late that some Republicans have been in Washington too long. None of the eight GOP House members who voted for Waxman-Markey will be re-elected. They will either retire from the House, be defeated in next year's Republican primaries, or suffer well-deserved defeat on November 2, 2001. Therefore, every penny that the NRCC spends to support the re-election of the Waxman-Markey Eight is wasted money that could be used more effectively to support Republican challengers.
The NRCC must announce a policy of non-support for the Waxman-Markey Eight, or else NRCC fund-raising letters will go directly into the garbage cans of every previous grassroots GOP donor who is tired of seeing his contributions wasted to support nominal "Republicans" that repeatedly betray party principles. . . .

UPDATE: Welcome Ed Driscoll readers. For the benefit of the uninitiated, perhaps I should explain the theory of organizational dynamics that informs my attitude toward Republican "leadership."
I am an ex-Democrat, so I have extensive experience in getting screwed over and backstabbed by clueless losers. And I've been a conservative journalist in Washington since 1997 so . . . ditto.
As I've said eleventy-zillion times, if you volunteer to be a doormat, don't complain about the footprints on your back. If you desire to retain your self-respect and dignity, you must retain sufficent independence to be willing to say, "That's it. No more. I quit. You've f***ed me over once too often."
This is not merely a principle of political life, but is of universal application in human affairs. For example, if you allow your spouse to abuse and betray you without fear of repercussions, you are as responsible for the consequences as the person who abuses and betrays you. My wife has my respect and loyalty, which she reciprocates insofar as I am deserving of her respect and loyalty. Which is to say, she trusts me about as far as she can throw me. Mrs. Other McCain's beauty is exceeded only by her wisdom.
After Friday night's Smittypalooza, several of us went out for hamburgers at a tavern near Dupont Circle. Our table was next to a group of three young people, two guys and a girl. Overhearing some remark one of them made -- he was from Alabama -- I struck up a jocular conversation. This conversation eventually disclosed that the three were "just friends," and that in fact the Alabamian among them was an intern of the supervision of the lady who (as someone else at our table subsequently remarked) as nearly as amused by my jokes as I was.
Sensing that my intentions might be misinterpreted, I found an opportunity to mention Mrs. Other McCain, to praise her virtues, and to add that we have six children. And if the point needed further emphasis I found an appropriate occasion to repeat one of my favorite sayings: "She's got a kitchen drawer full of knives, and I've got to sleep sometime."
There is truth in humor, and the same principle applies to any situation where your self-chosen loyalty is involved. I've been a University of Alabama Crimson Tide fan since I was a gamete swimming in a desperate effort to become a zygote. I can hardly conceive being anything but a 'Bama fan. Yet if the folks in Tuscaloosa should ever betray that loyalty, they would find me an implacable foe.
My loyalty to the Democratic Party was similarly hereditary. My parents would have been horrified if, in 1959, they had imagined one of their offspring might eventually vote Republican. Yet the Democrats, knowing this, took shameless advantage of that loyalty. These repeated betrayals were for years excused by me in the same way that a battered wife excuses her husband's brutality. Hell's bells, I voted for Mondale!
Then came the day that my Democratic congressman, George "Buddy" Darden, voted for the fateful legislative travesty that I recall as "The Great Gun Grab of 1994." On that day, the Democratic Party forever forfeited any further claim to my loyalty. On the first Tuesday in November of that year, I cast my first vote ever for a Republican congressional candidate -- some obscure Marietta lawyer named Barr -- thus joining the majority consensus that it was time that Mr. Darden returned to the private sector.
F*** you, Buddy Darden. And f*** you, Democrats. What part of "From My Cold Dead Hands" is so hard to understand?
Once burned, twice shy, and I could never be as blindly loyal to the Republicans as I once was to the Democrats. That kind of loyalty is for chumps. Being a partisan chump is an invitation to political rape. (Ask gay Democrats how that feels. Or ask some of the Christian conservatives who made the mistake of trusting Ralph Reed. If I ever own an outhouse, I'll name it in Reed's honor.)
Politicians will respect their constituents only if they fear their constituents. George "Buddy" Darden once thought he could screw me over without consequence, and learned otherwise in short order. Ralph Reed holds no elective office, nor will he ever. Mene mene tekel upharsin.
When the perfidious Catiline conspired to subvert the Roman republic, Cicero exposed the traitor:
Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quem ad finem sese effrenata iactabit audacia? . . . Patere tua consilia non sentis, constrictam iam horum omnium scientia teneri coniurationem tuam non vides? . . .Hic tamen vivit. But not for long, eh? The Waxman-Markey Eight have signed the death warrants of their political careers, and friends of the republic must be vigilant to expose anyone who aids this act of treachery.
O tempora, o mores! Senatus haec intellegit. Consul videt; hic tamen vivit.
NRSC/NRCC Delanda Est!!!
ReplyDeleteLinked to at:
Enjoy your blog. I usually never post on any blogs, but here is the email I sent to Michael Steele today:
ReplyDeleteDear Mr. Steele -
As a registered Republican, I am profoundly disappointed in the actions of eight Republican representatives who chose to vote for the Waxman/Markey ACES act of 2009 on June 26. This "Cap and Trade" legislation will be devastating to our economy and the lengthy bill was approved without being completed (in violation of the Constitution?) and with a last-minute 300-page amendment The Byzantine regulations and mandates will increase the stranglehold on our nation by the federal government and its agencies, a strategy that has been the trademark of the Democrats (and, sadly, many Republicans). These eight Republicans have violated the trust of their constituents by affirming this Statist monstrosity. Thankfully, Representative John Boehner truly represented the values that I hope are embraced by the Republican Party when he chose to fight back before the vote by reading from the 300-page amendment.
The Republican party must take affirmative action to stop this debacle from passing the Senate. The "big tent" philosophy does not include allowing GOP representatives and Senators to jump on the bandwagon for every regulatory and tax scheme invented by the socialist left. Why have a Republican party if it mirrors the idiocy of the Democrats?
These eight Representatives should not be allocated any funding for re-election or other support by the GOP. If the party wants to regain its strength, it MUST fight back against the barrage of bad ideas and legislation currently emanating from Congress and the White House. The GOP will not receive one dime from me until it confirms and loudly broadcasts a message to the electorate that it stands behind limited government and the Constitution and Bill of Rights and for a strong defense and assertive foreign policy that preserves American exceptionalism.
just sent this as a link to R group leader in LA...
Even better, Mark Kirk - one of the eight, is considering running for Obama's old Senate seat.
Your friend of much linkage (not) Allahpundit says...reconsider.
This guy needs the full court press by Not One Red Cent.
BTW, it was fun to watch you work the group there, even if one of them was all about "Navy Douchebags"
Time to mail rotting carp wrapped in "The Congressional Record" to the "Capntr8tors" along with the following note:
ReplyDelete"Your political career is now sleeping with the fishes."
The GOP 8 are craptastic, but 2010 is too far off for me. We need to let the Chinese know we're going to default on the debt, we the downtrodden taxpayer.
ReplyDeleteI trust there will soon be moves afoot to take out full-page ads in USA Today and other large dailies, informing our parasitic legislators that they can pay the debt. We're going Galt.
They will either retire from the House, be defeated in next year's Republican primaries, or suffer well-deserved defeat on November 2, 2001.
ReplyDeleteFreudian slip? Planning on inventing a time machine?
In any case, I already posted how to stop C&T. I also cross-posted that to If anyone wants to actually stop C&T - or the next outrage - push that plan. Clearly, no conservative (broadly defined) leader (also broadly defined) is bright enough or non-corrupt enough to do something that would actually work, instead choosing worthless activities like encouraging people to wave loopy signs on street corners hoping the MSM pays attention.
These RINO's need to be blasted in the primaries. They have provided cover to Obama to pretend that this is bipartisan. They have given aid and comfort to those who mean to take my property and liberty from me. When primary time comes calling, somebody bring this up again, and I'll cut checks to their opponents.