Saturday, June 27, 2009

Blame the NRCC

The Waxman-Markey Monstrosity From Hell That Will Destroy the American Economy passed the House by a vote of 219-212 last night while I was attending the inaugural Smittypalooza.

If only four votes had gone the other way, the monstrosity would have been defeated by a 216-215 vote. Therefore, it is entirely appropriate that Michelle Malkin has named the eight Republicans who voted for it. And I've got four words for the National Republican Congressional Committee:
Not One Red Cent.
We've already said Not One Red Cent for the National Republican Senatorial Committee because Sen. John Cornyn and the NRSC betrayed the GOP grassroots in Florida. Now, add the NRCC to the list.

What's the point of giving money to the national party if, on key votes, Republican members of the House are indistinguishable from Nancy Pelosi?

Why give money to the campaign committee whose job is to re-elect these RINO sellouts?
  • Mary Bono Mack, California
  • Mike Castle, Delaware
  • Mark Kirk, Illinois
  • John McHugh, New York
  • Frank LoBiondo, New Jersey
  • Leonard Lance, New Jersey
  • Dave Reichert, Washington
  • Chris Smith, New Jersey
Unless and until all eight of these swine announce their retirements -- or are defeated in next year's primaries -- I say the grassroots answer to the NRCC should be NOT ONE RED CENT!

Who's with me?

UPDATE: Michelle Malkin links. In the comments, my moderate Republican friend Joe Marier argues:
NJ Republicans in danger of getting redistricted out don't vote against the AFL-CIO, and neither do aspiring Senators in Delaware and Illinois.
Final challenge: name the 8 seats you will take back in exchange for those.
Let these eight get beat by Club For Growth-backed primary challengers, and figure the GOP would still win at least half of the subsequent general elections.
The belief that there is some sort of political security for blue-state Republicans in parroting Sierra Club propaganda and trying to buddy up to the AFL-CIO is akin to the college boy's belief that he can score with a Women's Studies major by espousing feminist cant. In all likelihood, she's a lesbian, but even if she weren't, why on earth would she be interested in the kind of guy who blabbers on about feminism?


  1. RINOs voted for this CAP AND TRAITOR bill. When will it all stop? 2010? We'll be nothing more than a 3rd world country by then!

  2. Why not just rename "Not One Red Cent" "Not One Blue State?" Because we won't have one Republican representative left in one soon enough.

    The thing you have to remember is that the AFL-CIO supported the bill. That's why the New Jersey Republicans voted for it; it was that or get redistricted out, basically. Chris Smith, in particular, has always voted with the AFL-CIO as a protection so he can be one of the most outspoken pro-lifers in Congress. Welcome to NJ.

    So, that's three.

    Kirk and Castle are both running for Senate this year, most likely. They also need to buy peace in their very liberal states.

    And that makes five.

    Now: the bill hasn't gone to the Senate yet. If it fails there, then this was a free vote for all 8.

    But even if it succeeds, the vote was set by the results of the 2008 election. NJ Republicans in danger of getting redistricted out don't vote against the AFL-CIO, and neither do aspiring Senators in Delaware and Illinois.

    Final challenge: name the 8 seats you will take back in exchange for those.

  3. Joe,

    I could care less about the freaking color of the state on a stupid map. What I care about is freedom. At this point, the best thing that could happen for the country is for the Republican party as a whole to be totally destroyed. It is time to rip off this band aid, let some air in and end the infection once and for all.

  4. Oh, wait, I'm not done yet. If you're wondering what the payoff was for the good burghers of Illinois, Delaware, and New Jersey, I'll give you one hint: NUKES.

  5. Why should we worry about taking back eight seats, Joe, if the seats we have aren't supporting the Party Platform (such as it is) ?

    These eight turdlets should be flushed. Not rewarded with Senate seats, just... flushed.

  6. I'm with you Mr. McCain. In fact got a call from the RNC looking for a donation yesterday, I told them if ONE Republican voted for Cap and Trade they would Never see a dime from me again.

    As for Joe's comments, Tell me what good those 8 seats are doing us if they are going to Vote with the Dems anyway? None.

    So we literally have nothing to lose by replacing them, Hell even 44 democrats voted against Cap and Trade, who is to say that Conservative Dems wouldn't do a better job than these 8 RINOS?

  7. McHugh is from New York, not Nevada.

  8. I don't understand the argument above. We have a lefty Dem-owned WH and Congress now. What is wrong with fighting to exterminate 8 bad Republicans? It can't hurt us further; it can only help.

    Too bad I'm already on board with Not One Red Cent to the NRCC, the NRSC and the NRC. It sux when you can't stop supporting because you've already stopped. ;-)

    I will contribute to any conservative opponents to these idiots in the upcoming races, though!

  9. same thing I was saying yesterday except most of the people I was saying it too looked at me like I was insane which just p***ed me off no end.

    I am tired off our side rolling over without a fight time after time.

  10. I live in NYS in Rep. Eric Massa's district. He's a Dem, and he voted AGAINST the bill, while McHugh, a Repub, voted FOR it.

    I tried to call McHugh, but his voice mail was full. So I tried to e-mail him, via his congressional website. In order to access the e-mail form, I had to submit my zip code. I was denied access because I don't live in the turncoat's district. So I submitted a district-valid zip code and gained access. I gave my real address (and phone number) on the e-mail form.

    Then I e-mailed Rep. Massa and thanked him.

    The rumor is that McHugh's vote was bought by O when he nominated McHugh to be the next Sec. of the Army.


  11. You and your RINO father are right rarely... but this time you are pretty spot on. We need to vote all the RINO's like your father out and get some conservatives in there!

  12. Don't forget either that the 40 Democrats that voted no did so since they are likely in conservative districts.

    They voted no for political gain for no other reason. They undoubtedly got the ok from Pelosi to vote no only to help their chances in next year's election. They should be highlighted as vulnerable in 2010.

  13. Joe,
    Are you saying that we should support those whose main goal is to stay in office rather than support the party?

    I'm with you Stacy. I haven't donated to any national org's the past 2 cycles, but I have doanted thousands to individual candidates. I can spend my money better than the pols in DC!

  14. So all these RINOs should be let off the hook because they're simply afraid of the AFL-CIO?

    If you're going to be bullied into voting a certain way, better it be by an entity who contributes some worth to the country instead of a collection of worthless parasites better known as a union.

  15. Nice post Marier!! Well Mr McCain--how 'bout it? Reichert represents the 8th congressional district, east of Lake Washington. I am surprised by his vote-and he was on conservative local talk radio yesterday, so I'll have to tune in Monday to find out more. Of course, Washington state overall votes blue, mainly because King County (which includes Reichert's district) is true blue and highly populated, so the rest of us poor plebes in violet or red counties are outnumbered. There are lots of wacked-out environmentalists in Washington, and not much industry that will be devastated by Cap and Tax, compared to midwestern states.

  16. Inslt to Injury - sick feeling in my gut when 8 can't even call them rhinos voted for this, then a good hard mule kick in the balls from an email in my inbox asking for donations to the RNC to beat back the cap and trade bill? I really do feel like I am living in a Rod Sterling version of the Twilight Zone - titled Hope and Change!!

  17. I've posted basically the same thing this morning on another blog, but I can guarantee the same people, unless they decide not to run again will be re-elected.
    For some reason, come re-election time, we forget all past sins of our elected officials.

  18. Yeah, get all traitors, but remember that some of the Democrats who voted "No" would have voted "Yes" if they really were forced to in order to get this bill passed. Now these Dems have more cover in their conservative districts come the 2010 general election. So, this bill was going to pass even if every Republican votes "No."

  19. 2008 ACU Ratings of Republican Yeas: Bono Mack(74) Castle(28) Kirk(48) Lance(N/A) LoBiondo(52) McHugh(40) Reichert(56) Smith, NJ(28). Conservative is considered above 80 and that's being generous. No surprises in this bunch.

  20. According to my reading - Jeff Flake (R) Arizona was too busy attending his daughter's beauty pagent to show up and vote against this monstrosity.

    The Dems, however, pulled Patrick Kennedy out of Rehab to vote for it.

    Flake has to go too.

  21. Joe Marier:

    What you said sounds correct.

    However this vote goes to the very heart of the conservative political agenda. If these House members cannot vote the right way on this bill, when would they vote the right way on others?

    Your assumption that these unprincipled Republicans couldn't win by standing up to out of control spending, means that the war is lost forever. It really doesn't matter whether they're democrats or RINOs, right? Or, as Rush likes to say, why vote for a Democrat-lite when you can have the real thing?

    I believe House members such as these are poor communicators. They cannot win on their own campaign capabilities. They need to go.


  22. There is only one justification for a vote to destroy the US economy for no good purpose, and that is the Parliamentary tactic of a "vote to reconsider." Since I'm certain none of these idiots have any intention of doing so unless we can force them to reconsider, I think the NRCC needs to reconsider its support of them in ANY capacity. What's a Party for, if we don't have any discipline on the biggest of big votes?

  23. I couln't believe what I saw happen yesterday! I'll think of it as BLACK FRIDAY. What the hell are these 8 doing? Making a deal in the back room when my hide is involved. DISGRACEFUL COWARDS! Keep the pounding of emails and phone calls folks "Get ready for a bumpy ride"! Let's stay together. Thanks.........

  24. I am sick and tired of the GOP Congressional members voting with the Dems and then claiming political cover as their excuse. All 8 of these scum sucking pigs need to go away and do something else they might be good at because they suck at being Representatives. I have stopped giving any money to the GOP and primarily for this reason. They do not represent US anymore but are more like the Dems every passing day. It is time for Patriots to fill these positions and get rid of all the career politicians in Washington and State Capitals. Each one ought to receive aa many blistering letters and emails so that their websites are shut down and all their staffs are hiding under their desks. A POX on all their houses. While we are at it, take note not only of them but when the Senators vote on it. Count on the two nitwits from Maine and a handful of other GOPs to vote for it as well. Wake up America, the nuts are in charge of the asylum.

  25. Yes, yes. Flake should go, but not only for failing to show up to vote on one of the most important votes in his life, but also because he is a huge supporter of illegal immigration! As far as voting "yes" to keep thier job,(being in a blue district), is there NOTHING they won't do for a few bucks and glory? Those with morals and principles would look thier constituents in the eye and say, "No. My country's future is more important than my luxurious lifestyle."

  26. Yes, it's true, Repub Congressman Jeff Flake (Arizona) was absent for the vote. He is in Alabama, where his teenage daughter will participate in a beauty pageasnt TONIGHT---not Friday, but tonight! Guess there's no planes flying between DC and Alabama. Flake is FOR AMNESTY for illegals. In this state of Arizona, where we have so much crime and home invasions and drugs because of illegals. Flake, McCain, and John Kyl are all in the bag for amnesty. They are not listening to the legal taxpaying citizens of Arizona.

  27. NRCC/NRSC Delanda Est!

    Quoted from and linked to at:

  28. I haven't given money to the national Republican party in years because it seems to believe that an (R) behind a congresscritter's name is more important than how he, or she, votes. I am considering changing my voter registration to Independent until there is a true Conservative party I can join. As for Democrats who voted against the bill, Dan Boren (D-OK2) voted against it because it is bad for his district. Isn't that what Representatives are supposed to do? I'll vote for anyone who supports Conservative values until he, or she, votes or espouses a position contrary to them.

    Hope is not a plan; not all change is good. WE are the civilian national security force! The Founding Fathers included the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights for a reason. The resistance is here; the resistance is now! RESIST!!!!!


  29. I already cut off the dummies at the RNC. Can you believe that they were sending out emails touting an ad against the health care bill (and asking for money) before the cap and trade bill vote? It was not until Thursday AFTERNOON that they decided they better advise us of the looming Friday vote. Until Michael Steele stops trying to be a celebtrity and until the RNC fixes our Presedential Primary rules to prevent the Dems from picking our candidate, I will not support them. They all should find other jobs. They do not know how to run a political party.

  30. Let me tell you this. I know a lot of liberals in Illinois who are absolutely outraged by this vote. If Rep. Mark Kirk thinks he's winning major brownie points among the liberals in Illinois, then he's miscalculated big time. Illinois depends immensely on coal for power, and this fact isn't lost on people.

  31. This is to important to be partisan. Cap & TAX is to harmfull to our economy to let happen. Any damn fool that voted for it has to go regardless of party. I already gave up giving money to the GOP, I only donate to the individuals regardless of party that will do the right thing. Congresses job isn't to win elections by playing nice with the money people, it's about doing what's right for the country and it's peop[le.

  32. What if we did Only One Red Cent?

    Just today I got something from them asking: 'Will you stand against President Obama's leftist agenda to "remake America" -- Yes or No?'

    No postage necessary. One penny and *bam* send a message (and cost postage).

  33. The NRCC is not getting the message accross in terms people can understand. Generalities will not do it.

  34. Jeb Hensarling sent me a request for money. I sent him a letter in reply. In addition to telling him I would rather flush my money down my toilet than give it to the Enemy Of The People Stupid Party, I had two other words for him. This web site won't accept those words.

  35. I also told Hensarling that if I ran the Stupid Party, there would have been 8 more bodies floating in the Patomic river Saturday morning.

  36. Hmm, liberals keep donating to Democrats at record pace, while we cripple ours?

    SOUNDS BRILLIANT! Holy cow, how do you come up with such genius!?

    (Here is a better idea... find conservative candidates to challenge these people in the primaries, and keep funding our side so we can actually WIN so legislation like this wont come up in the first place!)

  37. great, as much i understand your frustration, and it sounds understandable you don't want to send money to Republicans, undermining the other mass Majority of fine GOP Representatives is rather foolish.

    it is part of the reason we grew into this mess, prior to 2006, not that the GOP didn't have problems.

    just the reactionary mindsets, the hyperbole, only empowered the likes of Nancy and the most vapid.

    there will always be some who float with what seems popular, others who can be bought, you just have to fight on.

    sabotaging the other fine Conservatives in the GOP prior to 2010, is only going to help the opposite.

    and a number of high profile Conservative pundits should know this by now...

    nothing wrong with contructive advocation for sound policy, but don't lose sight of the bitter reality of the swamp of Washington.

    cutting one's nose, to spite the face, is foolish, and gutting the GOP is not in Conservatives best interest.

    push in a positive, strong, healthy manner, and don't give up.

  38. TO: Joe Marier:

    Thank you for adding some common sense to this discussion, Joe Marier.

    One can scan this thread and find ample evidence of the reactive dunderheads who, unable to appreciate democratic compromise and coalition building, threw one Republican congressmen and senator after another under the bus in 2006 and 2008. And now they are still angry and they can't figure out why the Republican Party is so ineffective in 2009!

    While you are at it look around the blogosphere and you will find them throwing social-cons and religious-conservatives under the very same bus. Forget George Soros! Bill Ayres is playing them like a violin!

  39. "Hmm, liberals keep donating to Democrats at record pace, while we cripple ours?"

    If they vote to impoverish the country and strip me of my liberty they are my enemy not my Party. We can't defend our freedom with the current GOP as our spokesmen. To hell with them.

    If both parties insist on big government we'll have to take it back in the streets. There is a chance to purge the GOP or kill it off if conservatives walk away en masse. I'd rather have a real conservative party in 2012 or 2016 than keep this corpse breathing any longer.

  40. The amazing thing about these 8 is that they are hammering their own families with this abortion. Self-interest? I guess in the pursuit of political fame and fortune, their families don't even make it into their calculations.

  41. Amen, brother. I write a similar reply to the RNC whenever they send a "survey" in the mail.

  42. Clean them out of the RNC. They haven't blocked a single piece of legislation the dems have wanted to pass so why not? What difference does it make if they vote with the dems anyway? I too would join the "Not One Red Cent" movement if I already hadn't started donating directly to the candidates I support. These same people whininig about Republicans never being in the majority again and needing a big tent mentality were saying the same when we wanted Specter out. Well where did that big tent mentality get you? Oh yeah, more money from the RNC for Specter and he jumped ship anyway. Way to go you silly pundits you. Don't worry, you can all join Christopher Buckley's big tent.

  43. This is stupid. Crippling your party because they don't have unaninimity in voting is just stupid. You want to get them out in the primary, fine, do it.

    But to cripple the entire party because of 8 representatives...well...if the 8 WANTED to cripple the party, they couldn't have devised a better plan.

    When you get this up in arms when only 4% of the party defected...aren't you being pretty silly and childish.

    What is the RNC supposed to do, break their arms?

  44. Anon 1:22PM

    "What is the RNC supposed to do, break their arms?"

    No. They should be made to raise their own funds for the next campaign. Simple actually.


  45. Sounds like 8 people who need to be looking for a job.

  46. I agree with the Not One Red Cent campaign. Can you also support a campaigmn to oust Steele? We really need someone that can fight the good fight. Steele just wants to be loved.

  47. There are a whole lot more than 8 Reps who need to be looking for jbs, it all of them who have voted for this horrible economy killing massive hidden tax and all the other insane spending be led by Pelosi and her minions of doom. Listening to McStains daughter is not going to get us anywhere as she has an anti Conservative agenda, just like her daddy.

  48. I heartily agree with the sentiment of the group that these 8 RINOs need to be voted out. I actually think we need to vote quite a few out of office, and the sooner we start the sooner we can stop this disaster called Obama.

    Rock on,

    Lewis Beeler
    Founder of

  49. Got it. Posted it. Not one red cent.

    Andrea Shea King
    The Radio Patriot

  50. AWESOME POST! Keep up the great work!

  51. Mark Kirk is a loser what has never encountered a problem that can't be solved by limiting people's rights. He outlawed chimpanzees. Fascist little creep I think.

  52. I'm with Joe, we don't want to lose those seats because whoever takes them over might vote Democrat.

    Oh, wait.....

  53. I'm with you, Other McCain. Not One Red Cent for Republicans who exercised ZERO fiscal restraint for the last eight years. Obama is THEIR fault. Cap and Trade is THEIR fault. The economy getting worse is THEIR fault-- because they let Obama in the door.

    If they'd acted to preserve the public trust then a Congress with a NINE PERCENT approval rating due to democrat control would have been exposed as the worthless scum they are.

    Instead, the Republicans catered to the leftists by pretending to be "moderate," alienating their core and paving the way for the largest government grab in American history.

    Vote them out. Instead of putting in RINOs who will fail and let Republicans take the blame, vote in democrats who will fail so REAL conservatives can come in and unscrew it. We EXPECT dems to screw up; they're children, and not particularly bright ones.

    Do not allow another Republican to lie to you. EVERY person with an "R" after their name who voted for this bill should be looking for work in 2010. EVERY DAMN ONE!

    Some idiot up above who wasn't brave enough to sign his name said it was idiotic to "cripple the party" because 4% didn't vote the way we wanted them to vote.

    Let me explain how it works: I voted for a representative. If that representative no longer represents me, then continuing to vote for him as the "lesser of two evils" is what we call "enabling behavior."

    I would much rather have a democrat in office that I KNOW will screw me than to hold my breath in every vote because Dave Reichert will PROBABLY make senseless choices. (He voted FOR Cap and Trade because it came to him in a dream that it would insure American energy independence, but he voted AGAINST drilling in ANWR, which we DAMN WELL KNOW would insure American energy independence. How's that for politician stupidity?)

    Republicans will continue to do as they please without regard to your wallet or your wishes until you asshammer them properly in an election. You'd THINK they would have learned from 2008, but apparently America needs to send a clearer message.

    Can. Do.

    Anyone but Reichert in 2010!


  54. Bu..Bu..But, he caught the Green River Killer.

    Did you catch the Green River Killer?

    No, no you didn't.

    You can hear his interview here.

    Dave Reichert SPEAKS: says Cap and Trade will be good for America

    He argued that the expense would not be what the Heartland Institute, Heritage Foundation, and Wall Street Journal were predicting. He argued that it would cost around $.48 per day and that we would have better national security, more nuclear, coal and refining capabilities, and a cleaner environment with the bill. He argued that the conservative arguments against were mistaken, and that Washington specifically would be better off even though the bill was imperfect.

    And, he caught the Green River Killer.

    Yeah, it took him a couple of decades, but better late than never.

    I hear Fox was thinking about making the Series 24 about Reichert. But instead of showing 24 hours in a day they would have to make each episode a year.

  55. My Republican Congressman Says Cap and Trade is Good for America.

    And, he caught the Green River Killer.

    Did you catch the Green River Killer?

    No, no you didn't.

    You can hear his interview here.

    Dave Reichert SPEAKS: says Cap and Trade will be good for America

    He argued that the expense would not be what the Heartland Institute, Heritage Foundation, and Wall Street Journal were predicting. He argued that it would cost around $.48 per day and that we would have better national security, more nuclear, coal and refining capabilities, and a cleaner environment with the bill. He argued that the conservative arguments against were mistaken, and that Washington specifically would be better off even though the bill was imperfect.

    And, he caught the Green River Killer.

    Yeah, it took him a couple of decades, but better late than never.

    I hear Fox was thinking about making the Series 24 about Reichert. But instead of showing 24 hours in a day they would have to make each episode a year.

  56. Let me reiterate, we need to go after the 44 Democrats that signed their names IN OPPOSITION to the WAXMAN-MARKEY Bill. Those are the ones to deal with now. NOT the 8 stupid REPUBLICANS, they are a lost cause and we all know they shouldn't even be in the GOP. It's those 44. We have an opportunity handed to us and all I hear are people verbally disparaging the 8. Let's turn up the heat on Dems/OBAMA with these 44.

  57. Any Republican Rinos are history!!! The base has now a viseral hatred for them. WE DON'T NEED A ONE OF THEM. We get it all or we deliver this country a NEW REVOLUTION!
