UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers! Speaking of libertarian fantasies, imagine Jon Corzine crushed like a bug on a windshield on the Jersey Turnpike . . .
"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." -- Arthur Koestler
My blog is worth $210,008.88.
How much is your blog worth?
"Any argument is more persuasive when made by a hot chick."
ReplyDeleteThis is the law.
American Power tracked-back with, "Rule 5 Rescue: Sandra Bullock".
ReplyDelete"Any argument is more persuasive when made by a hot chick."
ReplyDeleteThat's why liberals are scared shitless of Sarah Palin arguing conservatism.
(waits for the inevitable liberal trolls to dispute that, and by their very actions, prove my point).
Just think if Friedrich Hayek had been a sexy dame with big gazongas . . .
ReplyDeleteBut what if they were implants?
Don;t care what you say; Sam (from Day-by-Day) is the hottest MILF ever drawn, as well as one of the smartest...too bad her (cartoon) hubby is an well-armed ex-sniper *sigh*
ReplyDeleteThe Road to Fundom!
ReplyDeleteHad Hayek been a hot chick she wouldn't have slept with most of you
ReplyDeleteThis confuses Frederick Hayek with Selma Hayek, a common mistake.
ReplyDeleteI don't intend to make that mistake.
ReplyDeleteI, of course, would never make such a mistake.
ReplyDeleteOr would I?
Aw crud, fboness got to it before I did...
ReplyDeleteImplants wouldn't matter, as long as she bought them with her own money.
ReplyDeleteGiven that Corzine really was in a pretty horrific car accident, I'm not sure your second fantasy is kosher.
ReplyDeleteThat is backwards.
ReplyDeleteAn argument is more persuasive when it helps to pick up the hot chicks.
Liberal arguments are more persuasive now because they worked on women 20 years ago.
never had a pseud, robert? funny.
ReplyDelete"That's why liberals are scared sh*tless of Sarah Palin arguing conservativism."
ReplyDeleteNo, we're absolutely delighted when she "argues" conservativism. What scares us is that she might somehow gain power even though 2008 proved the vast majority of the country understands she is a moron who isn't even qualified to be managing a Denny's, much less the free world.
Unlike conservatives, we liberals tend to get laid enough that we can hear what utter drivel is coming out of her mouth rather than the utter dribble coming into our pants whenever she speaks.
But do keep pinning all your hopes and dreams on somebody who thinks Africa is a country and a morning radio shock jock is the president of France. It's hilarious, and it means at least another 8-16 years of democratic control.