At 10:30 a.m. today, I'll be on the air with G. Gordon Liddy. (Listen live here.) We'll be discussing Obamanomics, including ACORN's civil disobedience protests to prevent mortgage foreclosures -- which I've argued should be expanded to preserve my right to a 2004 KIA Optima. We might also talk about Obama's new federal Department of Unicorns and Rainbows.
Some of you may know that the left-wing group Media Matters has recently honored the G-Man with a vicious smear -- or, as Liddy's producer calls it, "free advertising."
If you're a Liddy listener visiting The Other McCain for the first time, please look around and be sure to check out "How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog." We've recently had a burst of Rule 5 blogging.
Maryland Democrats are now pushing for a bill to put condom machines in
public schools… including elementary schools
I must be pretty old… When I was in elementary school, even junior high
school, no one was interested in
The post Maryland Democrats are now pushing for ...
14 hours ago
A Kia Optima? And you call yourself a Bon Vivant. How was Mr. Liddy?