Now Long Island, near the Hamptons is on fire – WTF is going on?
We have another massive wildfire outbreak.. Now it’s Long Island, New York
near the Hamptons… This one defies logic. New
The post Now Long Island, near t...
3 hours ago
You know, I think I would find Hugo Chavez ranting in Spanish more edifying than Mr. Olbermann.
ReplyDeleteGot to dig deeply into God's love for creation to find any merit in that one...
"Take one large turkey, add ... Keith Olbermann"
ReplyDeleteBut you repeat yourself.
After reading all the wailing and rending of garments on PuffHo (161 pages of comments!) and watching Bathtub Boy's 6:37 minute deconstruction over the death of one of the stupidest (and most delicious) birds alive, I imagine Sarah and Todd laughed and laughed, and then went and had non-neurotic sex together.
ReplyDeleteI think she did it on purpose, just to make the lefties' heads explode.
And don't even get me started on foie gras.
Yum! The punk rock chef loves foie gras, and I love the punk rock chef.
"And yet, strangely enough, a few twisted, angry people would like to take your foie gras away."
I want that particular turkey for my Thanksgiving dinner
ReplyDeleteUPDATE: The great thing about MSNBC is their utterly unobjective chyrons: "Footage of Turkey Extermination . . ." Where do these idiots think cold cuts come from? Bacon? Burgers? And don't even get me started on foie gras.
ReplyDeleteit's hard to understand the intellectual sloth, do you just post things for the purpose of posing?
Palin just "pardoned" a turkey and talking about that "pardoned" turkey she is in front of other turkeys being decapitated and convulsing in their death throw
This is the same thing as pardoning a felon before they are electrocuted and while discussing that pardon to the press there is a man in the back round with eyes popping out of his head from being electrocuted
she is quite simply a moron and democrats salivate at the spectacle of republicans defending her so she can run in the next presidential cycle
sadly, she will have to have a primary run where even republicans will be forced to realize she is the peter principle defined.
shame, democrats would really which you guys would run her again
Robert sometimes you befuddle me, you have no problem criticizing republicans yet you come up with a post as intellectually lazy as this, and you actually want Palin to run for president next cycle...I am dumbfounded
I read in one of your posts you "were a democrat till Clinton", let me tell you something, I was a republican till Reagan and the neo-cons that took control once he developed his Alzheimer's decease.
I keep looking for hope the party will return to concervative values (NOT neo con or theocratic values but concervatives who "conserve" the economy, "conserve" the ecology, "conserve" our military, "conserve" our constitution and reduce taxes rather then make believe that's what they are doing in their tax increase policy)
continue to push clearly unqualified candidates like Palin (I do NOT mean inexperienced I mean unqualified) and you will continue to lose real republicans to the party that actually represents republican ideals rather then pays lip service.
Palin would be even more inept then bush, now if you want a real chance in the next election start looking for REAL concervatives, NOT those defined by the current neo-cons who have high jacked the party with fascists
find a candidate who really will lower taxes (for the middle class, NOT the class that uses a disparaging percentage of assets, the upper class), find a candidate that actually believes in the constitution, not only when convenient bust especially when inconvenient, find someone who is a real military expert not a military moron (IE, McCain), find someone who WILL "conserve" rather then pander to theocrats and the republicans would finally rebuild their party to be representative of the people and the antithesis of the democrats
until this is done, the democrats represent concervatives not republicans, the demcorats represent patriots not republicans, the democrats represent fiscal responsibility not republicans, the democrats represent national security not republicans, the democrats represent the constitution not the republicans
so PUHLEEZE Robert, reassess those you think the republicans should be promoting and undermine those that will harm "the republican party" if you want it to survive
Palin just "pardoned" a turkey and talking about that "pardoned" turkey she is in front of other turkeys being decapitated and convulsing in their death throw
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, it's death "throe."
Second, who cares? You people are making asses of yourselves over a non-issue.
I mean, here we are being robbed of trillions of dollars by the Craven Criminals on Capitol Hill to benefit their politically favored Wall Street Whores, and the left is in a twist over a frickin' turkey?! Get some perspective already.
This is the same thing as pardoning a felon before they are electrocuted and while discussing that pardon to the press there is a man in the back round with eyes popping out of his head from being electrocuted
So, human beings are equal to turkeys now, and preparing domestic fowl to be eaten is the same as the death penalty?
Ooooookay then.
I might give the left some credit if they got themselves as worked up over late-term abortions (you know, the brutal, unnecessary killing of actual human beings) and Barry's opposition to the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act as they do a GD turkey.
You know what? I've had it. Break the country in two already. I am done sharing our Republic with these collectivist dolts, whose ideological contradictions know no bounds, whose disdain for the Constitution and individual liberty is a point of pride for them, and whose quest for economic "fairness" will effectively turn us into a nation of serfs.
Second, who cares?
ReplyDeleteonly the people that notice intelligence and the lack of same in our political candidates
You people are making asses of yourselves over a non-issue.
own a mirror?
You know what? I've had it. Break the country in two already.
the blue states would like nothing more, then they would be allowed to stop paying welfare to the red states, you know, the states that beg for and receive more then they contribute, ya, those red states, let's see how you survive without the welfare given to you by "liberals"...good luck, you need welfare to survive though you blame "welfare" for everything and once again, you do not own a mirror
I am done sharing our Republic with these collectivist dolts, whose ideological contradictions know no bounds
about that mirror
whose disdain for the Constitution and individual liberty is a point of pride for them
where exactly do you get this cool-aid?
it's the current neo-con breed of the republican party that disdains our constitution, there is no "fairness" with this group, it's "us against them, republicans against democrats, liberals against concervatives
you need to find more sources, you are filled with contradictions between which party represents which group, the republican party does NOT share your love of constitution or "fairness"
" whose quest for economic "fairness" will effectively turn us into a nation of serfs.
so, to you it's turning this country into serfs when you force industry into paying their own bills is it.
talking points only work on those who believe the propaganda promoted by the right wing media blitz machine
oh, that's right, I forgot, the corporate owned and consolidated is liberal. (you guys who believe that "liberal media" rubbish are such fun)