Saturday, October 25, 2008

On 'lackluster candidates'

Peter Suderman:
Why hold your tongue when the party nominates a lackluster candidate? This tendency is no small part of what allows a problematic candidate like Palin to be nominated.
Palin is "lackluster"? How about John McCain? (Even if you don't like Palin, it wasn't she who put herself on the ticket.) I very much agree when Suderman says, "The conservative movement has gotten itself in huge trouble by trading message discipline for any functional self-criticism apparatus." But whatever the problem is with the conservative movement, Sarah Palin isn't part of the problem.

1 comment:

  1. "But whatever the problem is with the conservative movement, Sarah Palin isn't part of the problem."

    She's not part of the problem, she IS the problem.
    She's a result of Rovian conditioning, which established the ridiculous notion that a Presidential nominee should be judged on wether or not you'd like to have a beer with said candidate.Palin is the logical conclusion to the thinking that got Bush elected twice.You sacrifice competence for likability and you're bound to end up with a beauty contestant as your candidate.
    It cheapens the Presidency and ridicules the Founding Fathers....
