That there's funny, I don't care who you are.[J]ust in case [Elizabeth Hasselbeck] gets caught up in the Barapture of Obamamania, I'm here to tell her that the "M-word" is off-limits, too. . . .
Yeah, that word. The M-word. Mulatto. . . .
This is our moment. I hear that CNN's next big series will be called "Beige in America." . . .
"Mulatto" rolls off the tongue a lot smoother than "half breed" or "Strom Thurmond, Jr." . . .
[W]hen people ask me why it's OK for us to use the M-word when they can't, I have to tell them that it's a biracial thing...they wouldn't understand. . . .
Black people can't argue a speeding ticket after sundown, and the only thing in life that white people can't do is use the N-word. To that simple rule, I am now officially adding the M-word. Good news, though -- "Creole" has been approved for everybody's use. . . .
We know that just because we've switched from "Keep Taupe Alive" to "The Audacity of Taupe," it doesn't mean that we have overcome.
Maryland Democrats are now pushing for a bill to put condom machines in
public schools… including elementary schools
I must be pretty old… When I was in elementary school, even junior high
school, no one was interested in
The post Maryland Democrats are now pushing for ...
10 hours ago
What's the verdict on "octaroon"?