Read the whole objective thing.Sitting here watching CNBC's Erin Burnett raving about today's Wall Street surge -- DJIA up by more than 150 points as of 3 p.m. -- my natural pessimism looks for the cloud behind the silver lining. . . .
Well, good news for those who bought low (in March) and are now in a position to sell high. But does this mean that the market "bottom" is behind us and recovery awaits around the proverbial corner? I'm not persuaded. Today's rally is chiefly being attributed to good news from China, an independent variable. If I were playing the market, I'd be watching bonds very closely. The bond market is the canary in this fiscal coal mine. . . .
Whoopi Goldberg embarrasses herself again, with Dylan Mulvaney
Looks like that Dylan Mulvaney is looking for media attention again, so he
ran to The View to get the
The post Whoopi Goldberg embarrasses herself again,...
9 hours ago
A 150 point gain does not a rally make. I do want the economy to improve, though. This is my country and I want her and her people to do well. (Those who want economic bad times in order to score a political gain are sick.)
ReplyDeleteI agree with your observation of Ms. Burnett.
Mikey NTH