My dear Bernard-Henri Lévy, what you have said in the Swiss press is true -- I have been overwhelmed by the number of messages of support and sympathy I have received in Winterthur prison, and that I continue to receive here, in my chalet in Gstaad, where I am spending the holidays with my wife and my children. . . .Nick Gillespie -- whose libertarianism evidently doesn't encompass the right of award-winning film directors to anally rape Qaalude-dosed 13-year-olds -- notes the reaction of the Feminist Majority Foundation: "It's bad a person was raped. But . . ."
Turns out DJ Daniel and his father live in Al Green’s Houston district
Oh so that’s why Al Green made a scene to get kicked out of the address to
Congress. He didn’t
The post Turns out DJ Daniel and his father live in Al Gre...
5 hours ago
And everything after the 'but' is bullshit...