by Smitty (h/t Sweetness and Light, assist to Pundette)
Dear Secretary of State:
Bush vs. Gore went to the Supreme Court. The Chief Justice swore George W. Bush into office. The same occurred with Barack Obama.
Your implication that Jeb Bush may have had something to do with anything other than fulfilling his office as Governor of Florida is disgusting. The context, a contested election in another country, does not even begin to excuse this cheap shot. If you sat on substantial evidence of wrongdoing at the time, Madame Secretary, I hope it brought you pleasure.
When you attack the Office of President of the United States in this scurrilous fashion, you attack the whole country. Your behavior is false. Shame on you.
Very respectfully,
C. Smith
John Bolton for Secretary of State, 2013
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3 hours ago
And as you I am sure remember, Smitty, not only did the Supreme Court rule, but afterward, a bunch of left-wing journalists went to Florida to conduct their own "recount," expecting to prove that "Gore really won," but of course they found that Bush actually won. Quite an "inconvenient truth" for Mr. Gore and the conspiracy theorists in the Democrat Party.
ReplyDeleteI imagine that she's still P.O.ed over Bill upstaging her in NoKo.
ReplyDeleteyeah, nice try.
ReplyDelete"Bush vs. Gore went to the Supreme Court. The Chief Justice swore George W. Bush into office. The same occurred with Barack Obama."
umm, what history books are YOU reading?
how does Bush vs. Gore parallel the trouncing your candidate took this past election cycle?
And enough with the faux indignation already. It's not like it's going to start working this time after having tried it a hundred thousand times before....
ReplyDeleteAre you saying that Bush and Obama were not sworn in? Did you read Wikipedia? Did you watch the clip that was the subject of this post? Can you please restate your question?
And there is nothing faux about the indignation.
ReplyDeleteI object to your initial sentence structure, which suggests that Obama's election was close and worth contesting, not to mention that it would also suggest that like Bush, BO wasn't so much elected but rather chosen by the Supreme Court in a split decision.
The fact that the 2000 election was decided in the state where said presidential candidate's brother was the Governor certainly brings up questions of conflicts of interest.Of course, the conspiracy theorists among you who question BO's nationality would very quickly dismiss Jeb's impartiality. And then there is Katherine Harris, who would later claim to your boy Hannity that Bill Clinton had made sexual advances at her. questions of funny business there.
Face it, in an uncomfortably close decision like there was in 2000, questions will always remain unanswered. At the end of the day, the Supreme Court decision to overturn the Florida SC's decision was
a 5-4 split, meaning that it came down to a majority opinion. Opinion being the key word here...
So was Hillary opening old wounds, or was she making a point about the flaws of Democratic voting systems?
And what irony in endorsing John Bolton for Sec.of State! A man most instrumental in helping the
"recount" process in Fla. who got his UN gig as a reward for said "recount"... He did nothing to advance
our interests while in the UN except talk tough and bloviate.The man is a party hack and chickenshit to boot. He also needs to work on that silly moustache. Can someone please tell him we are in the 21st century? Teddy Roosevelt wants his facial hair back....
I object to your initial sentence structure, which suggests that Obama's election was close and worth contesting, not to mention that it would also suggest that like Bush, BO wasn't so much elected but rather chosen by the Supreme Court in a split decision.
ReplyDeleteWe can generalize the assertion: every POTUS has been sworn in by the CJ of the SCOTUS. No one besides you is suggesting BHO's election is contestable.
certainly brings up questions of conflicts of interest
Maybe you could be more specific. Jeb was an executive. How was he supposed to recuse himself in a legal matter, exactly? Your innuendo doesn't make much sense.
Face it, in an uncomfortably close decision like there was in 2000, questions will always remain unanswered.
Which questions? Perhaps I can offer one: how many different bizzaro ways do we have to count ballots to make the result fit someone's personal pattern?
So was Hillary opening old wounds, or was she making a point about the flaws of Democratic voting systems?
If it was Hillary, a private citizen, shooting off her mouth, I'd say "Viva the 1st Amendment", and laugh at her like a birther for jousting a windmill.
However, this is the Secretary of State, speaking in an official capacity, and, as such, her remarks are execrable, and worthy of the highest scorn.