"Writing is a skill, not a talent, and thus one's ability as a writer can be improved by thoughtful effort. The problem with some people is that they graduate college as good writers, experience early success on account of that, and thus never devote themselves diligently to the relentless quest for improvement that could make them great writers."
But it's worth the speculation just to note that in addition to dancing, homosexuality, rock music and the clitoris, the would-be global caliphate has also declared war on juice. Not that it affects me. Atkins and all. But I don't want to live in a world where I can't drink a nice cool glass of Cran-Grape.
Actually, while the blog citations are interesting, I'm troubled by the global reaction on the left to Israel's self defense, which has drawn my attention. The fighting makes for a lot of good writing across the blogosphere (among conservatives, of course), but I'm less confident of the triumph of the good in world politics when even the government of Britain calls Tel Aviv's response "disproportionate."
What about the picture makes you think it's photoshopped? I see nothing that smells badly.
And I can think of at least three things about it that make it impossible for anyone bar the world's best and most far-sighted photoshopper -- the position of the the two men's hand and the motion smear; the canted angle of the poster/words, and along two dimensions at that (i.e., it both tilts to the right and toward the rear along perspective lines); and the apparently-differing ink strengths from left to right, held consistently for each of the three lines of text.
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"When R.S. McCain talks about gonzo journalism, he knows what he’s talking about." -- Chapomatic
"You are reading Robert every day, aren’t you? If you aren’t, you’re missing out, folks. The guy brings the good stuff every day." -- Jimmie, The Sundries Shack
". . . the one-of-a-kind Robert Stacy McCain, whose blog should be on your must-read list, if it isn't already." -- Dyspeptic Mutterings
"The most enthusiastic blogger I have yet to meet." -- Pam Geller, Atlas Shrugs
"The guy has to be the hardest working dude in DC. I've yet to meet someone here he doesn't know." -- Dan Riehl, Riehl World View
"The fount of wit and wisdom, Robert Stacy McCain." -- Brian C. Ledbetter, Snapped Shot
"A very sharp mind and strong writing that pulls no punches." -- Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority
"One of the most important conservative writers working today." --Donald Douglas
"For what it's worth, the man can also hold his liquor better than most; that's probably how he gets his scoops." -- Little Miss Atilla
Obviously he's just outraged at the OJ Simpson verdict...
ReplyDeleteActually, while the blog citations are interesting, I'm troubled by the global reaction on the left to Israel's self defense, which has drawn my attention. The fighting makes for a lot of good writing across the blogosphere (among conservatives, of course), but I'm less confident of the triumph of the good in world politics when even the government of Britain calls Tel Aviv's response "disproportionate."
ReplyDeleteAll good stuff to think about, in any case...
This is the third blog I've seen sporting this photo. You guys all sure this is not a photoshop?
ReplyDeleteWhat about the picture makes you think it's photoshopped? I see nothing that smells badly.
ReplyDeleteAnd I can think of at least three things about it that make it impossible for anyone bar the world's best and most far-sighted photoshopper -- the position of the the two men's hand and the motion smear; the canted angle of the poster/words, and along two dimensions at that (i.e., it both tilts to the right and toward the rear along perspective lines); and the apparently-differing ink strengths from left to right, held consistently for each of the three lines of text.