Women are notably less enthusiastic than men -- 33% of women say Biden was the right choice while 27% disagreed. Men, by a 46% to 24% margin, said that Obama made the right choice. . . . He earns favorable reviews from 52% of men and 45% of women.So even if Biden's no Tom Eagleton, he doesn't seem to be the kind of unalloyed asset Obama needed. Maybe chicks don't dig Joe because he's such an overbearing braggart? At any rate: Feel the burn, PUMAs!
Just 16% of women have a Very Favorable opinion of Biden while 19% have a Very Unfavorable view. . . .
Not surprisingly, Democrats were more supportive of Obama’s decision than anybody else -- 52% of those in his party agreed with his pick while 19% disagreed. However, just 43% of Democratic women said the presumptive nominee made the best pick while 23% disagreed.
UPDATE: Ed Morrissey on the poll:
Not only has Biden not helped Obama, it looks like he’s actually damaging the ticket with his addition. He certainly hasn’t added any enthusiasm to the Democratic offering. Did Team Obama do any serious research on Biden and his effect before making this selection?Also not digging Joe? Free-weeders:
Biden has sponsored more damaging drug war legislation than any Democrat in Congress. Hate the way federal prosecutors use RICO laws to take aim at drug offenders? Thank Biden. How about the abomination that is federal asset forfeiture laws? Thank Biden. Think federal prosecutors have too much power in drug cases? Thank Biden. Think the title of a "Drug Czar" is sanctimonious and silly? Thank Biden, who helped create the position (and still considers it an accomplishment worth boasting about).And Tommy Chong says Biden's a narc, man. PREVIOUSLY:
8/23: Bidenfreude?
8/23: D Minus-2: Gonzo on Veeps
I think Obama made the right choice in picking Biden.
ReplyDeleteThe texting debacle at 3:00 a.m. was the right choice, too.
Ditto on stiffing Hillary and the PUMAs.
But then again, I'm going to vote for McCain (the other one), so I think all these bone-headed decisions are good because they're going to help the Republicans.
Go, Team Obama! Keep up the brilliant work! I can't wait to watch the convention.