[M]ost blogs are frankly unreadable by those not sympathetic to the point of view of the author. This holds true even when one excludes the 90-plus percent of political blogs that are unreadable, period. Few people have an appetite for being rudely insulted on a regular basis, having their intelligence, decency and patriotism questioned.So how do you explain Ace's success?
Leftists are now openly laughing that a trans volleyball player physically
injuring Payton McNabb
Maybe it’s not just about “trans rights” as the left always claims… Maybe
they are happy that biological males are
The post Leftists are now openly laugh...
4 hours ago
Tom McGuire figured this out at justoneminute. The study included the DRUDGE REPORT as a conservative blog, so all the lefties who read drudge are apparently jumping the ideological line!