Thursday, October 9, 2008

Looking for Macaca

Leftoid blogger takes a video camera to a GOP rally in Ohio:

Leftoid blogger says:
It’s no wonder that the slightest incitement from Sarah Palin or John McCain will turn one of their rallies into a lynch mob. Just talk to the folks who attend. . . .
I’ve been doing blog video for a while, and presidential rallies a lot longer. And this is the most strange, ignorant, uninformed, angry, up-to-no-good, and gullible group of people I’ve ever seen at a political rally.
Don't worry, lefties -- as soon as Obama wins, opposition will be illegal.

1 comment:

  1. "Don't worry, lefties -- as soon as Obama wins, opposition will be illegal."

    Yeah, I heard that somewhere else today (name link), albeit from someone with a sense of irony.
