Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tatiana Kozhevnikova

A name to remember, if you're ever in Novosibirsk:
A Russian woman has set a new world record, lifting a 14-kg. glass ball with her vagina muscles. Tatiata Kozhevnikova of Novosibirsk, aged 42, has been exercising her intimate muscles for fifteen years, and has already made her entrance into the Guinness Book of Records as the possessor of the world’s strongest vagina . . .
Hat-tip to Fear and Loathing in Georgetown.

UPDATE: The Web site where she advocates "intimate fitness." Intimidating fitness might be a better description. Are you worthy of the Olympic-caliber vajayjay?


  1. Yes, yes. But how is she at the shot-put?

  2. To say nothing of the pole vault, eh?

  3. I think it's the clean and jerk that would scare me...

  4. "Look, Mamushka! No hands!"

    ...or maybe that should be:

    "Look, Boris dollink! No hands!"

  5. Get ready for Puss-n-Novosibirsk. Fear her!

  6. At last, a woman who can emasculate you while in the act! What a spy she would make. "Give me the microfilm or I will crush it!"

  7. All bow before the Cooter of Power...
