Pope Benedict XVI today called for reforming the United Nations and establishing a "true world political authority" with "real teeth" to manage the global economy with God-centered ethics.Global economic power vested in the United Nations with the Pope's blessing? Where do we line up for our "666" tattoos? This is the kind of conspiracy-theory nightmare scenario that makes people want to buy shortwave radios, stock up on dehydrated food and move to Idaho.
Now Long Island, near the Hamptons is on fire – WTF is going on?
We have another massive wildfire outbreak.. Now it’s Long Island, New York
near the Hamptons… This one defies logic. New
The post Now Long Island, near t...
3 hours ago
Hmm. I'm Catholic and I live in Idaho. Will you be coming to my parish?
ReplyDeletePope Benedict the Fascist?
ReplyDeleteRead between the lines; in the real world, this Pope is giving his blessing to the creation of a Holy American Empire.
ReplyDeleteCan't be worse than what we have now (mostly international chaos except where the US steps in).
Shortwave radios are bad things? Come now, they're not. Compared to podcasts, their reception capability is occasionally better. I'd rather get the BBC & Deutsche-Welle via shortwave instead of podcasts as I have to these days.
ReplyDeleteNo, no, no, no, a thousand nos, and, again: get stuffed, Benedict.
ReplyDeleteA world government headed by less than the Almighty in person is but a variation on the theme of Hell.
Heckuva translation job, there. The full sentence: "In the face of the unrelenting growth of global interdependence, there is a strongly felt need, even in the midst of a global recession, for a reform of the United Nations Organization, and likewise of economic institutions and international finance, so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth." So, the concept of the family of nations is symbolized by vicious guard dogs. Great.
ReplyDeleteSo, I think that you are on to something. I think that you need to dig a little more. I'm surprised that this site is still up. http://www.discoverthenetworks.org
ReplyDeleteJennifer and I are building a fence around Idaho so you better be reeeeal nice to us...heh
ReplyDeleteSheesh - my comment just disappeared into the ozone
ReplyDeleteHm. Interesting. Never thought about the Pope jockeying for the False Prophet gig. :)
ReplyDeleteget a grip; it's a teaching letter on true charity and social justice, not a plot between the antichrist and the UN to take over the world. sigh.
ReplyDeleteAlternate Revelation/Endtimes theory:
ReplyDeleteFirst, there isn't a worldwide gov't. Where the Bible says "all" nations, its like saying I read blogs all the time. I don't constantly do it. This is backed up with passages of the Antichrist making war on nations, thus its not a one world thing.
Second, every prophesy about Christ coming back has him judging a Muslim area. Not anything Roman, EU or otherwise. Look at the "Assyrian" as heading a 10 nation (10 horns) Islamic empire (minus Jordan and Egypt, they fight said empire) as opposed to the Roman theory. Keep an open mind and see every prophesy points to an Islamic empire.
I realize I sound like an anti-muslim kook. That's not the case. But if you are concerned with endtimes prophesy check it out. At the very least it will be a good intellectual exercise.
What happened to Evangelicals and Catholics Together from First Things! Sigh. The encyclical is called "Love in Truth". If you fundies -- our loveable fuzzy wuzzy seperated brethern as Vatican II calls you -- need some clarification, try Jimmy Akin's blog: "Do not put weight on anything you read in the newspaper or on secular talk radio regarding the encyclical. The mainstream media simply does not 'get' religion, and they are too incompetent on matters of religion to report accurately anything that the pope says or does. ... Yet another reason is that, as the pope points out in the encyclical, the Church does not have specific, technical solutions to propose."