Israeli aircraft struck Hamas security compounds across Gaza on Saturday in unprecedented waves of simultaneous attacks, and Hamas and medics reported dozens of people were killed. . . .Of course, this kind of "revenge" -- Hamas bombarding Israeli towns -- is what necessitated the IDF attacks. The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
Health Ministry official Moawiya Hassanain said at least 120 people were killed and more than 250 wounded. Officials said others were still buried under the rubble.
In one of the Hamas compounds, the bodies of more than a dozen uniformed security officers were seen lying on the ground. . . . Among the dead was the Gaza police chief, Maj. Gen. Tawfiq Jaber, witnesses said.
Hamas officials said all of Gaza's security compounds were destroyed. Hamas said it would seek revenge, including launching new rocket attacks on Israel and sending suicide bombers to Israel.
Now Long Island, near the Hamptons is on fire – WTF is going on?
We have another massive wildfire outbreak.. Now it’s Long Island, New York
near the Hamptons… This one defies logic. New
The post Now Long Island, near t...
3 hours ago
when israel kills 200 people no one says anything but when one israeli is killed the whole world spins. Does 1 jew = 200 muslims?
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous: BULL! You apparently haven't even read the news (according to the liberal press)We've been hearing all about rockets and mortars being thrown at Israel over the past several weeks and you didn't know? They finally do something about it and that's your response? Get back under your rock! I believe 1= 200! Here is a bulletin I posted on My Space today;
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a CHILD I learned several hard lessons as I grew up.
If you poke at a wasps nest you'll get your ASS stung,
If you keep poking at a sleeping animal you'll get your ASS bitten.
The same applies if you keep picking a fight with the BIG kid on the block.
He's only going to take so much before he KICKS your ASS when he gets tired of your s**t!
Palestinians must be the dumbest people on the face of the planet and deserved what they just got!
Over the past few years we keep hearing about Israel getting mortared and attacked by rockets and morons who keep wearing suits made by DuPont and Israel just keeps on letting the Palestines bomb them until they have had enough and they KICK ASS the way they know how and what happens?
The SISSY ASSED Palestinians cry like the little children they are to the world and the world acts like the parent than didn't see the child poke the sleeping tiger! They (the world) condemns Israel for fighting back and makes themselves look stupid in the eyes of the parent (the REST of the world) who saw the child poke the tiger.
Now, Tony, Egypt, The Vatican and the Arab world, SHUT THE HELL UP! You sat and watched the children of the Gaza Strip launch their attacks into Israel for the past month in VIOLATION of the truce that you Egypt had brokered and you Egypt, kept your mouth shut (or the liberal press didn't feel what you might have said was worth printing so we never heard of you telling Hamas to stop) but now you want to condemn Israel?
Time for the whole Arab and Muslim world to freakin GROW up! Remember, a pack of Jackals will hound a lion by nipping at his balls but when the lion meets another lion they will turn on the jackals and you see what happens.
You get your ASS KICKED!
Egypt. Or Iran.
Or one of you Arab or Muslim countries, help your brothers the poor stupid children, the Palestinians out and give them some land far away from Israel? It'll be like putting them in a corner to keep them out of trouble like we do with a bad child!
Oh, but you were all asked that question years ago and not a single one of you would step forward and donate land for your brothers or is it because you know that the Palestinians, who 90% of them have never worked a day in their lives and all they know how to do is cause trouble and as we say here in America, "Not in MY back yard" so you will let them stay in the Gaza Strip and YOU will whine and cry when they get their ASSES SPANKED by Israel!
As far as I'm concerned, Israel, Build the wall you want to build as high and deep and thick as you want, let the children rocket you a few times so the WORLD will see then KICK their asses completely off the Strip and set up house keeping! Take the land and let Iran or Egypt or one of those cry-baby countries have the trouble makers! Then maybe they will ALL will find work building a country from the ground up! Yeah right! Picking fights is a lot easier than honest work!
To George: It is always about or the Palestinians did this and did that. It is never cleared out that these are extremist groups. To start there are many people in Palestine so it is wrong to assume that every single person is a extremist. You are making assumption also known as Prejudices, racism etc. If a small group of people are launching these attacks then go after them and not innocent people. Then my whole point about Israel. Israel wouldn't be this powerful is is wasn't depending on other countries like US Britain. They would be the ones crying if no one helped their asses. Israel has numerous time cut food and medical supplies to Palestine. We are not talking about money which could go to extremist but food and medical supplies which people need to survive. SO what value does Israel put on human life. We are talking about humans not terrorist. And you say 90% of Palestine don't work. How the hell would they when Israel puts so many restrictions on them. As far as other countries being involved if western countries help Israel why can't other countries help Palestine. I understand the point you are making about the rocket launches. But as history has shown when the world doesn't listen to your problem the only way to have your voice heard is use unconventional methods of getting ur voice across. America has done it so have the French.
ReplyDeleteBig difference..rockets compared to a closed gate! And I'll go back to one of those paragraphs where I stated, quite a few years ago the ARAB world was asked if they would donate land for the Palestine people and not a SINGLE one answered!Sounds like Brotherly love at it's best in the Arab world!
ReplyDeleteAlso look at the map and read the news today. Egypt boarders the Gaza Strip and why is it that Egypt is just now "opening" it's boarders for medical relief? Hell, they don't want them in their country any more than the rest of the world does!
Your other point is it's a "SMALL" group of people doing the bombing. OH, yeah right! A "Small" group of people are buying and paying for equipment that at cost each rocket could feed a family for a year but they want to KILL their neighbors?
Oh yeah I'll believe your side of the story for the next minute, so why doesn't the "larger majority" of the country point a few fingers at the bombers? Hmmm? Because only a few people can stand around a 6 foot long rocket and set it up to launch! There's not enough room for everyone who wants a piece of that action!
Look at the news from 9/11 and look at all of the Palestinians DANCING in the streets and you want to believe the BULL you just spouted? A SMALL group? LOLOL! Like I said go back and pull the rock back in over your head!
Or you can invite a family to move in to your back yard.
Its not about other countries wanting to take Palestinians in. You sound like your projecting your insecurities to another People. The Palestinians will always have a right to Palestine, regardless of how many tanks, and walls we put in their way. It is, what it is.
ReplyDeleteGeorge can yell all he wants about how much they deserved it ... the world except for one country has already condemned it. Consider George a traitor to our species, and an embarrasment.
To Retired Zionist Elder and anonymous: you both guys will get what traitors perfectly deserve-one long rope for two, eventually.
ReplyDeleteGeorge, you are totally right, it is since 8 years ago we needed wipe Gaza and repel back to hell this Islamic scum of earth which made home there. But even these days we are facing internal enemy-traitors who do their best to act babysitters to Hamas and Fatah terror, and for reason unclear to me the state refuses do anything real about them, encouraging them this way. My hope that elections will bring to the key positions people who really want Israel thriving and living in peace instead "looking good to the UN council" and rest pro-arabic politicians