10:30 p.m. -- John McCain was much, much better tonight. He stayed on the attack, and Obama spent a lot of time on the defensive. I don't think this debate was the cliched "game changer," but it's certainly a vast improvement for McCain over his previous performances.
10:22 p.m. -- Obama just said you have to be specific about how federal programs are going to be paid for. DAAYYUMMM.
10:21 p.m. -- Obama just advocated higher teacher pay. BTW, did you know that public-school teachers make more than journalists? And teachers don't have to blog boring debates.
10:18 p.m. -- McCain's talking choice and competition in education.
10:17 p.m. -- Obama wants to "recruit ... an army of new teachers." Why? I don't get why this line is considered a winner. Is he just pandering to teachers unions?
10:14 p.m. -- Obama is still talking abortion. Let him have all the time he wants. Now he's talking about "appropriate [sex] education." How about, "Keep your britches on, kids"?
10:10 p.m. -- Obama: "The court has to stand up when no one else will." In other words, a 5-man majority of appointed-for-life justices is more important than every elected official in the country.
10:08 p.m. -- They've got Obama talking abortion. "I think the Constitution has a right to privacy in it that shouldn't be subject to a state referendum." Where is that right, Senator? And why didn't anyone notice it before 1973?
10:04 p.m. -- Did McCain just say, "Senator McGovern"?
10:03 p.m. -- Linked by Pam at Right Voices. Thanks.
10 p.m. -- Who are these large businesses who don't provide health care that Obama is talking about? McDonald's? Wal-Mart?
9:58 p.m. -- McCain's down in the tall grass talking about health care and poverty, then suddenly -- Joe the Plumber to the rescue! Joe the Plumber for President!
9:55 p.m. -- McCain hits Obama on Hugo Chavez. ¡La educaciĆ³n es revoluciĆ³n!
9:53 p.m. -- Obama: "Highly fuel-efficient car of the future." Meet George Jetson ...
9:52 p.m. -- McCain: "Senator Obama, who has never traveled south of our border . . ." And? What's the point?
9:49 p.m. -- Obama: "We should look at off-shore drilling." Look at it. Not do anything about it, but just look at it.
9:46 p.m. -- Give us a number. Any number will do.
9:45 p.m. -- 850 ZILLION DOLLARS!
9:41 p.m. -- Obama speaks of government spending as "investing in the American people." I always hated that "investment" rhetoric when Clinton used it -- Clinton invented it, as far as I know -- and I don't like it any better now.
9:40 p.m. -- Biden vs. Palin. Schieffer pitches one into Obama's wheelhouse.
9:38 p.m. -- Obama just spent 2 minutes talking about Bill Ayers and ACORN, which is 2 minutes more than he's talked about them in any previous debate.
9:34 p.m. -- McCain strongly defends his audiences. Very feisty. Where was this candidate during the first two debates?
9:32 p.m. -- Obama is on defense tonight.
9:30 p.m. -- McCain, who had interrupted to say "that's not true" on Obama's Big Lie, forgets to come back and bust him on it it when his turn comes.
9:27 p.m. -- Again, Obama the excellent liar accuses McCain of running 100% negative ads. And outright lie, and he says it with utter confidence that nobody in the media will call him on it.
9:23 p.m. -- McCain's talking "climate change." Ick.
9:22 p.m. -- Obama voted for tort reform?
9:21 p.m. -- If McCain had been this sharp in the first two debates . . .
9:18 p.m. -- Obama wants to "focus on the programs that work." Ick.
9:15 p.m. -- Obama is an excellent liar. He lies confidently, boldly, and in such a way that, unless you actually know the facts, you'd never guess he was lying.
9:12 p.m. -- Dang, Maverick's feisty tonight.
Sorry to be joining it a little late tonight. Liveblogging at Ace of Spades, Hot Air and Michelle Malkin.
Now Long Island, near the Hamptons is on fire – WTF is going on?
We have another massive wildfire outbreak.. Now it’s Long Island, New York
near the Hamptons… This one defies logic. New
The post Now Long Island, near t...
3 hours ago
"10:04 p.m. -- Did McCain just say, "Senator McGovern"?"
ReplyDeleteBetter, he said "Senator Government."
Mitt Romney was on Fox News after the debate and it was like listening to Albert Einstein after a debate between Stymie and Lenny Small. I still say they picked the wrong guy.