Sowell's The Vision of the Anointed is the book I most often recommend to anyone wanting to understand the liberal worldview. What Sowell documents so perfectly in the book is the moral and intellectual arrogance -- the "too clever by half" factor -- of people who've convinced themselves that they are infinitely superior to ordinary mortals like us."The problem with clever people is that they don't know when to stop being clever -- and Senator Obama is a very clever man, perhaps 'too clever by half' as the British say."
-- Thomas Sowell
Five Quick Trump Week 1 Thoughts Under the Fedora: Pardon Me, Predictable
Press, Trump’s Kasserine Pass is Behind him, To Their Faces, Questions
Every Day and Getting the Message
You can’t get a better contrast between the Trump administration and the
Biden Administration than the pardons issued. All the people Trump pardoned
are fo...
8 hours ago
What a douche. Doesn't understand a thing. Or as the British might say, a whit!