While talking to the colonel, I learned, among other things, that he's an Atlanta native like me. We talked SEC football -- he's a University of Tennessee alum, while I'm a University of Alabama fan. He said he'd be happy to give me a "Roll Tide!" When I accused him of pandering, he added, "Except on the Third Saturday in October."

The district "went heavily for Hillary" in the Democratic primary, which the West campaign feels is a good omen for their candidate, because Clinton voters were generally more hawkish than Obama's. The district, which extends along the coast northward of Miami, has about 12 percent Jewish voters, many of whom are "uncomfortable" with Obama, the staffer said. (Unless I'm mistaken, El Rushbo lives in the 22nd District.)
While West's fundraising so far is no match for Klein's $2 million war chest, the staffer said the record-setting 2006 campaign -- where Klein and incumbent Republican Rep.
Clay Shaw spent more than $3 million combined -- was an anomaly. Usually it doesn't take that much to win FL22, and "we feel we will have enough to be competitive," the staffer said.
Clay Shaw spent more than $3 million combined -- was an anomaly. Usually it doesn't take that much to win FL22, and "we feel we will have enough to be competitive," the staffer said.
Asked whether it was a possibility that the John McCain campaign might make an appearance with Col. West, the staffer said probably not before October, if then -- especially since Team Obama is making noises about ceding Florida to McCain. If there is a fight for Florida, however, the West campaign may help boost McCain more than vice-versa, the staffer said, because Col. West is such an "inspirational" candidate.
BTW, the staffer said the West campaign is very much aware of, and grateful for, their support within the conservative blogosphere. To quote See-Dubya, "hint, hint." PREVIOUSLY:
Allen West is amazing. We should all donate a little money to his campaign. With out help he will become a superstar congressman!