If my knowledge of the code duello is correct, both of you will need a second. Having heard the word "BBQ", I gladly offer my services.
Unfortunately for Jimmie and his barbecue appetite, it appears that une affaire d'honneur has been averted, for now. However, Jimmie if you ever make it to Lithia Springs, Ga., I recommend world-renowned Wallace Barbecue on Bankhead Highway. (A few years ago, Wallace moved about a half-mile east, across the Cobb County line into the city limits of Austell, and Bankhead Highway has been renamed Veterans Memorial Highway, but it's still the same thing.)
As to the prospect of a duel, outsiders tend to think this tendency to fighting over women is because Southern men are barbaric. In fact, it's because Southern women are so hot.

Heck, Carol's the same age as me, and she's barely aged at all. Tommy, on the other hand . . . Well, it's like my friend Scott says, the problem with fighting an old man is that if you win, all you've done is to beat up an old man. And if the old man beats you up, you'll never live it down.
Robert, I grew up with a barbecue shack down here in Southern Maryland that was once rated by the Washingtonian as the best in the entire area. On Sunday afternoons, you couldn't get down the road because of all the traffic heading into the parking lot. Once you got there, you could share a picnic table with just about anyone. I often saw white guys in suit and tie, the sleeves on their jackets rolled up tucking into a rack of ribs right next to a local black family from around the corner. Everyone shared condiments and the big roll of towels and no one ever thought there was anythign really unusual about it. Good BBQ brings people together!