Salon has a big article suggesting that Republicans from Southern states opposed the Detroit bailout because their states have foreign-owned auto plants -- as if no one could possibly oppose the bailout on principle.
Here's an idea, Salon: Next time you want to look into an angle like that, how about taking notice of the millions that AFSCME gives to Democrats to push for expanded government? AFSCME -- a conspiracy against the American taxpayer -- is No. 2 on the "Heavy Hitters" list at the Center for Responsive Politics.
Now Long Island, near the Hamptons is on fire – WTF is going on?
We have another massive wildfire outbreak.. Now it’s Long Island, New York
near the Hamptons… This one defies logic. New
The post Now Long Island, near t...
3 hours ago
"Salon has a big article suggesting that Republicans from Southern states opposed the Detroit bailout because their states have foreign-owned auto plants -- as if no one could possibly oppose the bailout on principle."
ReplyDeleteWell, if Conservatives/Republicans had any principles to speak of we probably wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.
And it would be quite naive to suggest that there is no political payback involved. Principles?Wasn't it the Republicans that helped bailout Wall St.
But it is kind of cute to watch Republicans pretend that they are taking a principled stand on this issue.I guess Americans are beginning to take notice of the warped Conservative principles that is happy to send the economy into a tailspin while putting millions of Americans on the unemployment line, all for the sake of satisfying a silly self-righteousness....
Principles anyone?
I'm with Young 4-Eyes. There's been nothing about the federal budget in the last decade that has even a whiff of conservative principle associated with it, and they aren't starting with this one. As has been reported, it came down to the UAW, not the costs to the taxpayers, not the loss of jobs or savings thereof, not the size of the deficit, not the place of government in avoiding playing favorites in the private sector, not the stockholders who risked their capital, not potential damage to the economy nor the bargain basement clearance some sharp investors would benefit from and create a vibrant economy. It was and is the UAW, period.
ReplyDeleteClearly the public disgust at the whole bail-out scenario has given fire to the anti-union pols who undoubtedly hope Obama can't raise a phoenix out of the ashes of the Bush economy in time to pick up any more seats in Congress. The safe Republican seats can spew on any "big government" bills that come their way from now on, and worry about as much as when they took their marching orders from Rove.
If there ever were a belief in conservative political principles, it's gone the way of the belief in Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy. On principle, indeed.