Going into today's presidential vote, the Barr campaign staff says they're feeling good, but nobody really knows what the result will be. I'll keep blogging at The American Spectator. You should also check out Jason Pye's blog, David Weigel's blogging at Hit & Run, and Third Party Watch.
UPDATE: LP Chairman Bill Redpath has just reminded delegates of changes in the rules. Nominating speeches are about to begin.
Weigel has a good post about the early losers.
Just saw Barr's assistant Jennifer Chambrin sneaking a cigarette before going down to the convention floor for the vote as an LP Georgia delegate.

Barr talks to Matt Harris, a West Virginia delegate who supports Mary Ruwart, at the sidewalk cafe outside the lobby bar Saturday after the debate. Barr has spent at least four hours a day talking one-to-one with delegates, including delegates for other candidates who might be persuaded to support Barr on the second ballot.
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