Asked Tuesday if she was feeling pressure to get out of the race, Mrs. Clinton answered, "The most common thing the people say -- it happened here, it happened last night, it happens everywhere I go -- is, 'Don't give up,' 'Keep going,' 'We're with you.' And I feel very good about that, because that's what I intend to do."
Barely an hour ago, Hillary Clinton was less than 10 feet from me -- me, two dozen other reporters, and no fewer than seven TV cameras on hand for a post-rally press conference.
It only lasted 15 minutes, but we were so close. And immediately afterwards, when I logged on and checked my e-mail, guess what I found in my inbox?
Yeah: "Dear Robert . . ." from you-know-who.
Can I charm 'em, or what?
UPDATE: I realize that some skeptics, like Sean Hackbarth, might accuse me of exaggerating the emotional bond that Mrs. Clinton and I formed during our moments together in Pennsylvania. But strange things were happening in Pennsylvania yesterday. And besides, maybe I . . . misspoke. I'm only human, after all.
UPDATE II: This video proves it. Notice at the 29-second mark, where she looks over to her right and gives me a big smile:
Oh, that little minx . . .
UPDATE III: Don Surber joins the scoffers:
Question: Does Hillary have a crush on Robert Stacy McCain?
Answer: He thinks so. Mrs. Clinton keeps sending him e-mails. Don’t break his heart by telling him this, but she sends everyone those e-mails.
Yeah, Don. Go ahead and laugh, but today I got an e-mail from Chelsea. Those Clinton women, they just can't resist me, I tell ya . . .
Dude! She is totally looking at you like she wants you.