Saturday, March 1, 2008

My son, teen rock legend

Bob, one of my 15-year-old twin sons, demonstrates an original composition:

OK, so it's not to my taste -- I'm more into classic rock and R&B -- but I give the boy credit for having basically taught himself to play. Bob practices constantly, and while non-guitarists may not have noticed, he's learned "back-picking," which effectively doubles his speed. He reads tablature. Now, if I can just get him to learn the old classics by Chuck Berry, Little Richard, The Beatles, The Stones ... sigh.

Bob's twin brother Jim also plays (guitar, bass and a little bit of keyboard), but right now Jim's more into fixing up his old Dodge truck and talking to his girlfriend. You know how that goes.
This photo shows Bob (L) and Jim (R) together. They're both smart and funny and good-looking. Some things are just hereditary, I guest.

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