About 7 p.m. Friday, I was getting dressed to go to our church, which was hosting a gospel choir festival (yes, a gospel choir festival). While I was putting on my shoes, the TV was on Fox News and Shep Smith did a segment on the Obama uproar, quoting the reactions of the McCain and Clinton campaigns. "Wow, this is getting to be a pretty big deal," I said.
Remember that this uproar started with a Huffington Post report, so it's an Internet-generated phenomenon -- and online interest is high. A single link from Michelle Malkin generated over 600 visits here in five hours. For a Friday night, that's huge.
Michelle has up a new post depicting Obama as an elitist snob, and Marc Armbinder observes:
We're dealing tonight with a classic Kinseyian "gaffe," where a candidate says what he means and then is forced to account for it.It's a beautiful thing, especially when it's generating Web traffic on a weekend. Ace of Spades breaks out the flaming skull and gives the story this classic AOSHQ headline:
Obama To Rural Pennsylvanians: Vote For Me, You Corncob-Smokin', Banjo-Strokin' Chicken-Chokin' Cousin-Pokin' Inbred Hillbilly Racist MoronsHot Air has video of CNN's Jeffrey Toobin saying that Obama's remarks were "factually accurate." Meanwhile, Allahpundit notes "the crude quasi-Marxist reductionism of his analysis" and asks: "Why not just go the whole nine yards and call [religion] the opiate of the masses?"
Allah also notes this remark from his liberal love-object Kirsten Powers:
"They are things that I think in a liberal world sound totally normal, and outside of that world I don’t know that he appreciates how it sounds. And it just sounds very elitist, and it sounds like he's looking down on people."Translation: This is how liberals always talk about small-town people, at least when no reporters are around.
More blog reaction at Memeorandum. UPDATE: Via Sundries Shack, and courtesy of AOSHQ, the new Obama campaign theme song:
Being of Appalachian-American heritage myself, there's nothing I love better than some fine bluegrass pickin' -- unless maybe it's moonshine whiskey. Or my cousin. UPDATE II: Andrew Sullivan:
You can see the point he is trying to make -- it's the Thomas Frank argument -- and you can argue about its merits, back and forth. I don't think it's meant pejoratively about the blue collar workers Obama is trying to engage.
Somehow I think Sullivan would think Obama's remarks to be perjorative if Obama had spoken so condescendingly about, say, homosexuals. But the condescension is toward others -- "blue collar workers" who are so far beneath Sullivan's notice that he can't imagine why they'd feel insulted.Sullivan then suggests that Obama's insulting rhetoric is only of interest to Republicans: "You will hear these words on Fox News for a very, very long time." As if NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN are going to ignore a controversy that could hurt Obama worse than did the Jeremiah Wright controversy.
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